Don Thousand, whose power resides in Vector's body, reveals that he had revived the Seven Barian Emperors for his own gains: to become his "food" in order to restore him to his full power. Although Dumon and Marin tell Vector that this means that he will also become Don Thousand's "food," Vector doesn't care, because he insists that because he has merged with Don Thousand, he has become a god. Vector, now wielding Don Thousand's power, challenges Dumon and Marin to a duel, using the power he absorbed from Number 96 to summon out Dark Mist. Marin and Dumon summon out Number 103: Ragnazero and Number 102: Star Seraph Sentry respectively, using their combined abilities to destroy Dark Mist. However, Vector summons Number 43: Manipulator of Souls, and equips Dark Mist to it. Then, Vector recovers his life points using the continuous spell Don Thousand's Throne, which draws its power from Nash, who is held captive within an energy barrier. This effect combo in turn increases Manipulator of Souls's attack points, and deals damage to Marin. Vector then reveals he had attempted to kill Nash and Marin before, by throwing them into a pit. However, they were rescued by Abyss, who had their memories removed and their souls reborn in the human world, in the bodies of Shark and Rio. Marin, enraged by Vector's words, uses Rank-Up-Magic The Seventh One to bring out Chaos Number 103: Ragnafinity. Meanwhile, Yuma's group is stopped in its tracks by Girag.